What three words would you use to describe yourself? Why?
Empathetic, confident and kind. I would say these best describe me because I constantly find myself putting others before myself. I  like to help others and I feel for other people. I am also  proud to stand up for people who need it.

What is your greatest strength?   What is your greatest weakness?
My biggest weakness is if I feel bad for people I want to help and sometimes don't realize when it get to the point where they are using me or walking all over me. My greatest strength is my ability to talk to adults and people I don't know, alongside my ability to make connections to special needs kids and being able to adapt to their needs! My other greatest weakness is reading. I am dyslexic and this is a struggle. Thew out the years I have learned to work with it and find ways around it but sometimes those things dont always work and I just have to sit there and read something over and over to try and just understand the sentence.

Tell us about your most challenging experience.  What obstacles did you encounter and what did you do to overcome them?
My most challenging experience had to have been growing up with a special needs sister. There were many people who made fun of her and all her friends. I learned that I get to live a life that not many people get to live. It taught me to stand up for others. I was able to tell my friends and other people what have learned in my situation to help educate them on a different aspect of life.

What motivates you to do your best?
My parents motivate me to do my best! I want to prove that they raised me right and make them as proud as possible. They have put all their time and effort into making sure I have what I need, and my accommodations are met. I never have to go threw anything alone. Also knowing I have their first child to move out and go to college, and that this makes them nervous. I push hard to make everything easier for all of us.

Are you best working in a group or by yourself?  Please explain.
I am better working in a group of people, I enjoy being able to bounce ideas and get corrections on what I can do better! Also it makes time go by faster and you get to have fun while still getting work done. I am the person that would rather listen to someone tell me the instructions rather then read them on my own. In the group we are all able to talk it out and I dont have to sit in silence. It is also easier and faster to get help if your in a group. This was you can ask each other because we all have different levels of knowledge, rather then waiting for the teacher to go threw the whole line of questions. .

If you could choose one superhero power, what would it be and why?

I would choose the ability to read minds. This will allow my special needs kids that are non verbal to communicate with me! I am able to use social queue to guess a general idea of what they are talking about but and not always on point. This would also keep me safe,  this is because I could see if people who offer me or anyone else help have good intentions in mind.