Hi, my name is Peyton Strange. I am 18 years old, and I'm from a small city in Michigan called South Lyon. I am very passionate, hardworking, and motivated in everything I do in my life. I am currently attending South Lyon High School and plan to graduate with the class of 2024. I enjoy being involved in my school with the PEERS program and being on the Pom Pon team. I was on varsity pom for two years and on JV for two prior to that. I have developed greatly as a person throughout the last four years of high school, both academically and due to these extracurricular activities. These two experiences have molded me into the person I am now because they have allowed me to demonstrate persistence, leadership, empathy, and passion. I will be attending Western Michigan University in that fall. While attending Western, I will be going into business and real estate. I am hoping to end up working for a real estate company and then carrying on my dad's property business and or his website business on the side once he is retired. I managed my sports alongside clubs and schoolwork to maintain my grades, as well as simultaneously juggling work with 2-4 shifts per week for the past two years. I am currently employed at Driftwood Bar and Grill. The PEERS program has helped me find a passion for helping special needs children, and I plan on continuing to help others in college as well.